This FOIA guide is provided as a public service to assist in accessing public records in Virginia and for those related to submissions to VMI in particular. Users of this information should verify requests comply with the appropriate sections of the Virginia FOIA and the policies, processes and proceedures by VMI or any other state agency processing FOIA requests. 

The FOIA template was prepared with input from various sources to include, without limitation, Alumni Free Speech Alliance and American Council of Trustees and Alumni, Virginia FOIA Council, Virginia Open Government and other persons and organizations. It is intended to be a tool to assist in preparing a FOIA and should be modified and properly reviewed for FOIA law compliance by the user before submission. Please contact us for any recommended suggestions, correctiosn or improvements.

The following are quick references for Virginia FOIA information:

Virginia Military Institute FOIA Website

Virginai Freedom of Information Act Advisory Council

Virginia Coalition for Open Government

Virginia Public Records Act

Digital Media Law Project

Click Here For a standard FOIA template